What exactly is WordPress? WordPress Has 8 Advantages

Aug 6, 2021 | Wordpress Knowledge

What exactly is WordPress?

WordPress is used to power nearly one-third of the world’s websites, ranging from simple personal blogs to big corporate sites like Sony, Time Inc., the New York Post, and NBC. WordPress is just one of the many free site builders and content management systems available. Still, it offers unique features that have helped it become the most popular content management system available today.

The Competition vs. WordPress

WordPress is the most popular of the three most widely used website building platforms, followed by Joomla and Drupal. All are free to download and use, come with a variety of add-ons for specialized functionality, and may be tailored to meet the needs of specific users.

Both Joomla and Drupal, on the other hand, necessitate a certain amount of technical expertise and familiarity with HTML CSS and the PHP programming language. WordPress allows expert users to operate at that level. Still, unlike Joomla and Drupal, it also provides capabilities for beginners, allowing them to rapidly set up a site without knowing any code or programming.

8 Advantages of Using WordPress as a Platform

Here are a few crucial advantages of utilizing WordPress to create and manage your business or personal website.

1. Adaptable and flexible to changing needs

Although WordPress was created to support blogging and other forms of online publishing, it now runs a diverse range of websites. WordPress manages small enterprises, handles sophisticated websites for major international corporations, and generates personal blogs. WordPress sites can host full-service eCommerce businesses, portfolios, social networks, groups, and podcasts, among other things. The core WordPress package, as well as a range of primary and premium plugins that are ideal for your site, can meet any company’s needs. WordPress is also infinitely flexible to a company’s changing demands because of its many themes and easy access to its source files.

2. Simple to Use—Even for Beginners

Even without technical knowledge, a WordPress site can be installed and up and running in minutes. A domain name and a web hosting account are all that are required. WordPress can be downloaded for free from WordPress.org or installed through your WordPress hosting provider. From there, an intuitive and simple-to-use Admin panel provides all of the tools needed to personalize a site’s heading and layout and begin producing pages and articles immediately.

3. Themes Provide a Variety of Options

Thanks to its vast and expanding directory of basic and premium themes, WordPress themes provide users with various options for fine-tuning the design and features of a new site. Many of these can be found right away in the WordPress theme directory, and countless more can be purchased from design marketplaces and third-party designers all around the world. To change the style and layout of a WordPress site, themes may be previewed live and added at any time.

4. Plugins Provide Additional Functionality

WordPress comes with everything you need to build an essential website, but many users desire more specialized features tailored to their needs. Hundreds of plugins—small bits of code designed to do specific tasks—are available in the WordPress plugin directory, allowing users to add features like shopping carts, galleries, contact forms, and more to any compatible WordPress site. Hundreds of unique plugins from third-party developers are also available for purchase and installation. As a site grows, plugins can be activated, deactivated, and deleted as needed.

5. WordPress Websites Have a High Page Rank

When it comes to ranking well on Google and other search engines, searchability is crucial. Because WordPress sites are continuously updated and because WordPress contains various tools and plugins for optimizing content for SEO, they tend to score high for their keywords (search engine optimization).

6. WordPress Sites Are Responsive To Mobile Devices

Google considers mobile responsiveness when ranking websites, so they must look excellent on any device. WordPress has several responsive theme designs, and users can also use plugins and theme file tweaks to make a static site adaptable.

7. WordPress websites include a built-in blog.

Because WordPress is a content management system, it provides several features that make it simple to post material. One of them is a “built-in” blog function that can be accessed from any device at any time, eliminating the need for users to create a blog separately. As a result, even sites that aren’t tied to blogging can use the blog feature to provide updates or announcements.

8. The WordPress Community Provides Assistance

WordPress is supported by WordPress-loving communities all over the world because it is free and open source. This WordPress-loving community is in charge of making changes to the source files and keeping WordPress up to date and secure. The WordPress community also does a lot of user outreach, such as hosting WordPress camps worldwide and helping local WordPress user groups flourish.

It’s easy to see why WordPress is utilized by over 30% of CMS-based websites worldwide. WordPress makes the necessary tools for building a WordPress website available to anyone, not just expert web developers. Those tools can support both a tiny personal website and a vast, complex corporate web portal. WordPress is suitable for a wide range of websites thanks to features such as themes and plugins that increase its capabilities.

If you’re developing a WordPress site, look for a hosting company that specializes in WordPress hosting. This will save you time by allowing you to access your WordPress dashboard directly from your account.

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